Tesla Rear Window Keeps Opening: Why? How to Fix it? (2023)

Regardless of the location, car type, or brand, ensuring safety is one of the primary concerns of buyers. It is a commonplace for burglars to use windows to enter the cars they are eyeing. Therefore, ensuring there is no loophole is another point requiring deep consideration. But some users have reported self-roll down of rear windows in Tesla cars.

Tesla’s rear window keeps opening due to hardware, software, and poor handling issues. However, avoiding it is not a big deal provided you keep the software updated, make calibrations, avoid window obstructions, handle the door carefully, and take care of the window switches.

Tesla Rear Window Keeps Opening: Reasons and Fixes


1. False Alarm


An electric system getting confused is quite a possibility. You might have closed the window, but the monitoring system could malfunction, sending you a notification on your mobile through the Tesla app that your window is left open. Similarly, leaving the window slightly open unknowingly might also initiate a similar scenario. Though the window would not be physically open, a false alarm can give you a headache.

For customer benefit, Tesla cars are equipped with several safety features. Notifying the driver that s/he has left the window open is one of those. However, the system might go wrong, most probably due to calibration errors or not closing the window entirely, either unintentionally or due to the presence of a foreign object in the door frame.


The fix lies in repositioning/fresh calibration of the window or turning the notifications off altogether. Just follow these simple steps:

  • Make sure there is no obstruction in the windows, and they can close to their maximum limit.
  • Get in the driver’s seat.
  • Close the door, and position yourself, so you have a clear view and access to the window buttons panel.
  • Press the rear window up button for about five seconds and then do the same with the rear window down button.
  • Repeat the process once more.

This should reposition the window, getting rid of false alarms. However, if the problem persists, contact the Tesla service center.

Meanwhile, until your car is inspected and the pros resolve the issue, you can turn off the notifications by doing those:

  • Open Controls in the car panel.
  • Scroll down to Left Open Notifications.
  • Find Doors and Windows there.
  • Navigate to alarms and turn them off.

2. Software Issues


Software updates might have some loopholes that can render one or another system not working correctly. It is not the case with electric cars alone; even smartphones face that. For Tesla cars, some customers have reported their rear windows going down by a few inches occasionally without any command, right after updating their car’s software.

More precisely, some users have reported their Tesla Y passenger side rear window opening by four inches after driving for about half an hour. 

The problem mainly surfaced after they had updated the software to the 2020.48.37.4 or 2021.4.18.2 versions. But it is about the software. We can only do so much, right? Do not worry; we can try!



Rebooting, getting the latest software update as soon as it hits the market, and going for a recalibration are recommended deeds in this situation.

Should it fix the problem? Well, and good; otherwise, take a pro’s help.

Choosing a hard reboot can manage the instrument’s cluster, flush memory, stop storage leaks, and, most importantly, correct the software glitches that could be the primary suspect in software malfunctioning. But never forget to recalibrate the window after a reboot. It will relocate the default position and not minimize the chances of error.

Likewise, manufacturers tend to eliminate the drawbacks and enhance the functioning further through their software updates – that is what they are for, so waiting for the next version can be fruitful.

Read: Why Is My Tesla Media Control Unit (MCU) Causing Issues? Explained

3. Automatic Roll-Down


Some Tesla cars have an automatic window roll-down system to save the glass in extreme temperatures. If you leave your vehicle in a freezing environment, windows without the frame on the top roll down a bit so that the glass does not break or scratch by hitting any frozen material between the door and the car body.


Though this safety feature may surprise a lot of electric car enthusiasts, it is a carefully taken step for saving repair costs. During below-zero temperatures, a plethora of ice can form all over the car that only hardens if the vehicle is left unattended for a more extended period. If someone opens a door without a frame around the window (as in Tesla Model X, for instance) in such conditions, the top of the glass might easily get scratched.


To be honest, you do not need to worry about this issue – it exists for your benefit. The window opens only to save the glass; it does not roll down too much to make the car interior insecure. Also, Tesla has introduced a new feature that automatically detects if the rain is pouring. It closes the windows automatically to their fullest to restrict water entry. So, fret not!

4. Slamming too Hard


Windows can roll down a bit if the door is slammed too hard, provided the structure to support the glass is decrepit or has gone too old. Similarly, the window control unit might get jolted, making the problem worse or causing permanent damage.


Various sources point out that slamming a door too hard can lead to not just a window-related problem but other issues such as paint scratching, rubber gasket wearing too quickly, and a bad latching mechanism that can surface in no time. In such cases, the window calibration can also go out, leading to a window default position error.


There is a couple of solutions, mostly preventive, you can opt for, especially if you have developed a habit of slamming your Tesla door forcefully.

  • Get your door and windows fixed. Make sure no worn-out part can loosen the mechanism to hold the glass in place.
  • Make a conscious reminder. Constantly remind yourself that you do not have to be tough on your car; after all, it is your ride, and you must care for it.
  • Use a butyl-type gasket around the door edges. This rubber can absorb the shocks by slamming the door hard and ensuring the paint’s safety.
  • Use hydraulic smooth door closers. The device will automatically lower the closure speed even if you forcefully shut the door.

5. Bad Switches


If your Tesla has none of the abovementioned problems, it is time to check the window switches. Bad window power circuitry can roll the glass up or down without the user issuing any command, either by pressing the button physically or by issuing the command remotely through a mobile app.


A worn-out switch can cause several problems with the windowpane. If you suspect it to be the case, note for the following to confirm it:

  • Only one window rolls down itself.
  • Sometimes or mostly, the affected window switches do not respond well.
  • The response of the affected window is okay when operated from the main ‘driver’s’ switches.

If you still have doubts, check the switches using a current meter to know if the power is being transferred as per your wishes.


Bad window switches are mostly replaced with new ones if such a problem surfaces. Also, note that the customer can rarely solve this problem; for the car’s safety, it is far better to contact a professional than to try by oneself.

However, note that after fixing the problem – like in the rest of the cases – you should recalibrate the window to avoid all sorts of errors that might confuse your car’s monitoring system and bring the newly set window to its default position.

Read: Can Electric Car Windows Open on Their Own?

Rounding Up: Tesla Rear Window Keeps Opening

Some technical errors and user inexperience can automatically roll down Tesla’s rear windows. Nevertheless, the underlying causes are mainly an easy fix, and a visit to a professional is rarely needed. But things are under control: Tesla is among the fastest growing US companies with over 87 percent year-over-year increase. This giant is already up to fix this little problem.

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